Order my book, Wait Is This Racist?

REDI Assessment

If any of this applies to you, continue reading!

In 2021, 90% of my clients reached out to me with the intention of hiring a race equity consultant to
1) provide training and 2) help them develop a race equity strategy. 100% of those clients ended up
participating in an assessment and audit with me prior to training and strategy building.

Most of us want to jump right into action when we see a problem that needs to be fixed. But,
what most of us fail to realize is that “action” without knowledge, introspection, and a plan is
futile and can actually cause quite a bit of harm. 

Scroll on through the REDI FAQs below to learn more.


What is the REDI Assessment?


The Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) is an assessment
co-designed by Bryana Clover, CEO of Bryana Clover LLC, and an
experienced PhD researcher skilled in literature reviews, scientific
writing and program development/evaluation. 
This assessment is adapted from several surveys measuring
proxies of race-based discrimination, diversity and inclusion and
equity in work settings. The REDI is meant to serve as a gauge for
evaluating perceptions of the work environment from decision-
makers and staff, and as a means for identifying areas to focus
attention and training to improve the overall approach of the
institution towards race equity in the workplace. Some questions
and statements pertain to experiences at your place of work, while
others pertain to practices at your place of work.

Are individual responses confidential?

Please note that your responses are for the purposes of the consulting administrators. Individual responses
are anonymous with no identifiers and will not be shared. Cumulative scores from all participants will be
made available in a report for review. The collective results will be an overall REDI score. 
Prior to submitting your responses, participants will be asked to review the Terms and Conditions below:

REDI Assessment Client

Organizational leadership will receive a comprehensive REDI report. This is not to be shared beyond Bryana Clover LLC (“The Company”) and your organization (“The Client”). The parties agree that the data collected from The Client is not to be shared beyond Bryana Clover LLC, survey developers hired by Bryana Clover LLC, and The Client. The Client’s REDI report will remain confidential; however, data from The Client’s report is anonymously entered into the REDI database (owned by The Company) for future benchmarking, including an annual benchmarking report.


The demographic information is used for identifying commonalities in experiences based on gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, and other identities. Only Bryana Clover LLC will have access to the full data report. A summary report will be provided to the organizational leadership, and will not include a break-out of information in an incriminatory way.  Your responses will be kept private and secure. All responses are anonymous. The information will not be used for a discriminatory purpose. You can change this information in the future by contacting [email protected].


How is the REDI scored?

REDI scores are displayed at an organizational level as a percentage. There is a percentage range that falls along a continuum published by Crossroads Ministry, Chicago, IL: Adapted from the original concept by Bailey Jackson and Rita Hardiman, and further developed by Andrea Avazian and Ronice.
Recommendations will include suggestions on how to move to the right of the continuum over time.

REDI Sections

The Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI)
Assessment is a tool that evaluates racial/D&I biases in the
workplace environment, and will offer an understanding of
the organizational level of awareness and knowledge on
racial equity culture. The assessment is adapted from
several surveys measuring proxies of race-based
discrimination, diversity and inclusion and equity in work
settings. Results are reported in a REDI continuum-format,
with suggested areas to target/develop based on a final
REDI score. This assessment can be used as a baseline and
taken multiple times to measure progress of organizational
race equity goals.

 Overall Work Environment

Measures employee’s general perspective regarding their work environment. For example: satisfaction;
feelings of being valued; working with others; conflict management; sense of belonging.

Diversity & Equity in the Workplace

Measures employee’s specific perspective of D&E in the workplace. For example: Is it valued at the
company; their belief on the importance of D&E; company focus on D&E.

Employee Dynamics

Measures the dynamics between the respondent and their workplace regarding equity.

Leadership Dynamics

Measures the dynamics between leadership (those who have decision making power and/or are in supervisory roles) and entry/mid level staff in regards to equity in the workplace.

Individual Experiences at Work Part 1

Measures frequency of individual experiences at work, as it relates to the multiple identities the
respondent holds.

Individual Experiences at Work Part 2

Measures respondent's specific experiences with race, class, gender in the the workplace within
the past six months

Organizational Culture of Equity & Inclusion

Measures the level of organizational commitment to critical areas of equity and inclusion, creating an understanding of the overall equity and inclusion culture.

Equity-focused Leadership / Practices

Measures to what extent leadership is focused on equity, including the identification of equity blindspots in organizational policies and practices.

What specific demographics are
captured through the REDI?

We ask a number of (optional and confidential) demographic questions in order to enhance our
data analysis. We appreciate the opportunity to look at the way in which respondents of different
racial identities, gender identities, job titles, and age respond to the REDI questions.

Are the REDI Assessments tailored to my organization?

The REDI algorithm is standard across every REDI assessment, and this ensures accurate
benchmarking across different business sectors. Bryana Clover LLC has designed the following
assessments to address minor language and structural differences across industries:







How often should our organization
participate in the REDI?

Our recommendation is that your organization’s initial participation be considered as a benchmark that is monitored on an annual basis. This allows your organization to identify focus areas, and check-in to see if the needle has been moved.

What is the REDI for Church Organizations?

The REDI for Church Organizations is based on the book Wait, Is This Racist? A Guide to
Becoming an Anti-Racist Church
by Kerry Connelly, Josh Riddick, and Bryana Clover. It is
specifically designed to help churches become more equitable through a balance of
questions from the book and the original REDI. The assessment uses the same algorithm as
the original REDI, and is the perfect companion to the book.
The following sections are in the REDI for Churches: 



Preaching and Liturgy


Small Groups

Buildings and Grounds


Missions and Services

Children and Youth

Pastoral Care

How does the IDI + REDI + Race Equity Workshop fit together?

The Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), administered by a qualified IDI administrator, helps
Bryana Clover create clarity on where future race equity workshop participants are in their ability
and openness to approach complex frameworks, such as anti-racism. If participants are given an
opportunity to better understand their intercultural competence, that creates an opportunity for
them to better receive the race and racism frameworks they will learn in our race equity
workshops. The goal is to equip participants with knowledge and skills to increase their equity-
consciousness over time.
The IDI measures intercultural competence.
The Cultural Humility Training highlights the importance of participants to recognize that
the end goal isn’t developing a competence in another culture or person’s experience, but
rather, recognize that this unlearning is a journey, not a destination.
The Race-Equity Workshop(s) provides a historical and sociological perspective to
White Supremacy culture, and how a White Supremacy ideology perpetuates all
societal oppressions in America today.

How much does the REDI cost?

Please complete our contact form to learn more!
Contact Us
REDI Assessment Annual Report

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